The Thief Taker Book One
The Thief Taker
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Fire Catcher Book Two
Fire Catcher
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Death Magic Short Read
Death Magic
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Truth is stranger than fiction...
Guess which of these amazing facts is false, and get a free secret history!
  1. The Great Fire caused a weather phenomenon known as a firestorm. This threw out walls of heat, drew in high winds and struck down lightning, firing up more buildings.
  2. King Charles's mistress Barbara Castlemaine turned her seductions to his fifteen-year-old son, Monmouth.
  3. A Shadow Market of illegal goods operated under London’s South Bank.
  4. The roof of St Paul’s Cathedral melted during the Great Fire, flowing rivers of molten lead down Lud Gate Hill.
  5. King Charles II’s quick-thinking use of gunpowder during the fire saved the Tower, and most likely England.

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‘Excellent pacing and dialogue... a heady chase for a serial killer’
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